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I am forever grateful to the following restorers for the influence they have had on my career. Working alongside such talented and dedicated professionals has been an honour.

Leoncio Cubero – Master wood carver, artist and teacher. Leoncio Cubero was one of my first introductions to restoration and a major influence in my continuation in this profession. From him I learned the carpentry skill.

Carlos Olivera – Sculptor. Carlos Olivera inspired me in my early years to understand metal and to discover my own artistic designs.

Alejandro Masso – Musicologist and restorer. During his mandate to recover Peruvian baroque music for the world, I had the priviledge of working with Alejandro Masso in the restoration of the 17th century church in Andahuayillas, Peru.  While our team worked to completely restore the most ancient organ in the Americas, Alejandro Masso ignited in me a true appreciation for the value of restoration and the honor, patience and dedication that is involved when working with culturally significant artifacts.

Jose Luis Delgado – Expert restorer and specialist in oil paintings. Jose Luis Delgado is the current director of AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation) in Arequipa city, Peru and the owner of the Arte Rumilayka art gallery in Arequipa. It is always a pleasure to collaborate with Jose Luis Delgado on any restoration project. He is a pillar of expert support.


Mil Gracias!

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